Wrestling Rookie
A message from the producer of FWR:
I love producing our photo stories, mainly because I can try to recreate matches that I've either seen in the past, or have wanted to see. One of the most popular images in my mind is the innocent young girl who ends up inside the wrestling ring, having no knowledge of how to wrestle or even how to dress. She's usually wearing a simple bikini or something she threw together. I personally love the pigtail look because it adds to the innocence of the girl.
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She stands in her corner, unsure of what is going to happen. She knows nothing about professional wrestling but hopes that her opponent will be someone who is equally new to the ring. You can almost read her mind as she nervously looks around the rope enclosed ring.
Her opponent finally enters. The fantasy image is that the opponent is obviously a well-schooled professional wrestler.
She's attractive but a bit hard around the edges. Her attire is all pro-style ... an old school one piece wrestling suit, kneepads, and wrestling boots. You can tell that she's been in many wrestling matches and knows her way around the ring. Her body is strong and her thighs look like they could squeeze the life right out of you. She's confident and more than willing to destroy her young rookie opponent.
She goes to her corner and smiles at the nervous rookie, who in turn realizes that she has no chance of surviving this wrestling match! The pig-tailed girl has some reason for being in this situation, either a need for money or an obvious case of being bullied into it. Whatever the case, it's the perfect recipe for a great fantasy wrestling match!
At this point I'm going to let the action packed photos speak for themselves. Everyone who has this fantasy of a young rookie being completely dominated within the confines of the squared circle will undoubtedly have their own idea of what might be going through the rookie's mind. So sit back and enjoy this classic women's wrestling scenario.