Slapping & Squeezing with Rose
Rose and you are champions in two very unique styles of fighting. She specializes in slap boxing and you specialize in body scissors. You both meet in the ring to determine who is the better fighter. Rose starts the slap boxing match by demonstrating how it works then quickly drops you with a HARD slap to the face! She plants her bare foot on your chest and begins to taunt you while counting you out. But the tall, leggy beauty isn’t done and allows you to continue the match. She teases and toys with you until you’re too weak to continue. After getting dropped and foot smothered, Rose takes the win. The second part is the body scissor segment. Rose allows you to wrap you legs around her waist but laughs when she realizes her waist is too strong. The tables turn and she easily puts a body scissor on you to get a screaming submission! She actually knocks you out at one point then takes a nap while you’re trapped in her scissor! Knowing that she’s too tough for you, Rose tells you that if you kiss her feet 10 times, she’ll let you soften her belly with 10 punches. Needless to say, that doesn’t work and the beauty finally wins the match and plants her feet on your face. Enjoy!
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