Schoolgirl Pin Match: Part Two
LeAnn finally released her rival from the scissor hold and quickly got rolled her over to apply a camel clutch.
She knew that this larger girl could easily defeat her with a schoolgirl pin if she got the chance so moving fast was Leann's strategy.
To add more pain to the hold, LeAnn pulled back on one of Bella's legs, bending the poor girl nearly in two!
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LeAnn felt Bella getting weaker so she got off and yanked her roughly to her feet by the hair. Grabbing her arm, she threw Bella into the far corner and followed up with a hard body splash.
The impact knocked the wind out of Bella and she dropped to the mat.
Wasting no time, Leann rolled her over and sat down hard in a schoolgirl pin. She began to count but found that her opponent wasn't done for yet!
Bella gathered all her strength and kicked out of the pin, sending LeAnn flying off of her.
Before LeAnn could gather herself, Bella was on her … grabbing the beauty by the hair and hauling her to her feet!
Using her powerful arms, Bella yanked LeAnn up into a tight bear hug that had the beauty struggling and gasping for air! LeAnn tried desperately to escape but those strong arms constricted tighter and tighter.
Just as she thought she would pass out, LeAnn found herself being released … only to get hoisted into the air on the strong girl's shoulders!
Unable to do anything, LeAnn was forced to ride out a dizzying airplane spin! Things weren't looking to good for LeAnn and she knew that if she couldn't come up with an offense she would be the one losing this battle! But the constant spinning made the bikini beauty dizzier and dizzier!
Things didn't look good for LeAnn!