Let's Box: Part Two
As soon as I saw Leelu's fist move toward me I ducked down and let it fly over my head! Then I unloaded a PERFECT uppercut into her chin! It was AWESOME! She let out a little grunt and down she went!
I moved fast since she was only stunned and hauled her up to her knees. I grabbed her in a headlock and began pummeling her pretty face!
It felt good to finally be in control!
I let go of her head and popped her with an uppercut. She fell back onto the canvas! I no longer felt exposed or vulnerable in my bikini ... now I felt TOUGH!
And Leelu looked like a pathetic doll, waiting to be knocked out! But first I wanted to work over her body a bit.
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I draped her arms over the ropes so she wouldn't fall down, then began working over her exposed tummy! My boxing gloves smacked her over and over again, resulting in several great "Oooph!" sounds.
I could have dropped her at any time but decided to finish her off in a better way! After my last belly punch the girl had her chin sticking out really nicely, making a great target for my uppercut!
I figured that she was done for but when I walked around her to take my victory pose I heard her moaning gently. She wasn't completely out and I wanted a TOTAL victory! So I picked her up and brought her to the center of the ring.
It was perfect! She was barely conscious and couldn't even hold her arms up. I could tell that she wasn't faking it like I did earlier in the match so I toyed with her a bit. I wondered how she felt, knowing that I was in complete control! It was even better when her eyes popped open right before my uppercut hit her!
So I think I proved myself with my awesome knockout of Leelu! Hopefully no one will ever make fun of me again. I'm tough, I'm rough, and I'm here to kick butt! Come and taste my leather, girls!