After having the wind knocked out of her, LeAnn also felt like she got knocked down a peg in this wrestling match against Antoinette! But it was evident that Antoinette had suffered her own share of pain as the swimsuit clad wrestlers joined each other again in the center of the ring.
They circled briefly and not surprisingly, LeAnn moved quickly to gain another advantage!
A tight head lock had Antoinette wincing in pain as the California cutie cranked up the pressure.
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Antoinette knew that she needed to act fast or suffer getting flipped to the mat so she grabbed LeAnn and lifted her up into the air. A surprised LeAnn could only gasp, knowing what was coming!
The strong Hispanic wrestler quickly dropped and smashed LeAnn's crotch onto her knee!
A scream of pain rang out in the studio as poor LeAnn dropped to the mat nursing her wound.
Antoinette finally had to offensive in this match and moved quickly, grabbing LeAnn by the hair and yanking her to her knees! A painful surfboard hold was applied that had LeAnn in trouble.
But this wasn't enough for the blue suited woman as she switched positions to step over LeAnn's shoulder. A quick yank of the wrists had poor LeAnn in a painful predicament!
After a good bit of stretching while LeAnn grunted in pain, Antoinette yanked the beauty to her feet by the hair and gave her a powerful body slam that made the ring bounce!
With LeAnn moaning in pain and nursing her sore back on the mat Antoinette dropped on her body to trap the girl in a tight reverse head scissors!
After being the victim in the earlier part of this match, Antoinette was out for revenge! She had felt the power in LeAnn's thighs and enjoyed showing the red suited woman how strong HER thighs could be.
LeAnn was helpless, and felt hopeless, finding herself on the receiving end of her opponent's scissor hold!
She had trained SO hard coming into this match and had Antoinette so close to defeat!
But all she was doing at this point was prying at the muscular and meaty thighs of her foe, hoping that somehow she would find a way to escape!
Antoinette knew that she needed to work the beauty over some more before getting the win so she sat up and snaked one leg under LeAnn's head.
The one legged scissors allowed Antoinette to apply maximum pressure to her foe by putting her entire upper body weight on the cute face beneath her.
Poor LeAnn pried at the meaty thighs but there was no way she would be able to push the entire body weight of LeAnn off of her head!
But, luckily for LeAnn, she was in top conditioning and refused to submit or stop struggling to escape. Antoinette had no choice but to release her and go for another hold.
Antoinette chose a VERY intense move to further destroy LeAnn. She yanked the girl to her feet and lifted her up onto her shoulders in a torture rack!
LeAnn's body was bent backward as she screamed in pain! There was no escape from this hold. In fact, if LeAnn could manage to pry Antoinette's hand away from her chin she could fall painfully to the mat!
Antoinette saved her from that experience though … kind of. The buxom blue clad beauty dropped suddenly to one knee and simply tossed LeAnn off of her shoulders!
LeAnn rolled on the mat in extreme pain from the abuse that she had endured from the hands of her opponent while Antoinette took a moment to plan how she was going to finish this beauty off!