Layla's Wrestling Experience: Part Two
As I lay there trying to get my breath back,
the blond girl did something that shocked me! She sat on me and hooked her legs around my head! This was SO humiliating! I couldn't move and was forced to look directly up into her eyes! I tried to push her off but my position made it impossible.
I was so relieved when she finally got off of me, but it didn't last long as she yanked me to my feet by the hair again.
But as soon as I was on my feet, I found myself right back down on my back after she flipped me over her shoulder!
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The girl was really fast and before I knew it, her thighs were wrapped around my head again! The leg hold she had on my head wasn't really hurting me, just squeezing me so I tried to reach up and grab her hair but she just giggled and swatted my hand away.
Her legs moved a little and I found my throat being crushed!
I was really relieved when she let me go!
But, like before, the relief was short lived as her fingers latched onto my hair and I was on my feet again. I felt like an idiot, just standing there not knowing what to do ... until she suddenly scooped me up and threw me to the canvas!
That was it for me! I could barely move and just laid there as she obviously prepared to finish this match.
She said "This has been fun, but it's time to pin you darling!" To be honest, I didn't really care how much the final thing was gonna hurt, I just wanted this to be over!
I groaned a bit as she bounced off the ropes and came running at me.
Her body flew into the air and she flopped down over my belly! I let out a huge whoosh of air and blacked out from the pain.
I guess she pinned me or something because through my daze I could feel her laying on me. Then I could almost hear the mat beneath me being slapped 5 times.
But at this point there was no more humiliation, only pain and relief that this was finally over!
I was all alone when I finally woke up. The blond girl was gone and there was an envelope filled with cash in the corner of the ring. My first wrestling experience was over and I survived with only a few bruises and memories of being totally dominated.
Would I do it again? Hmmm ... maybe.