Layla's Wrestling Experience: Part One
My name is Layla and I recently had an experience that I won't soon forget. I was really in need of some money so I answered an ad that simply said "Athletic women wanted." I consider myself pretty active so I contacted them. The person I talked to simply gave me an address and said "Bring a bathing suit." Well, I REALLY needed some money so I arrived at the specific time. It was a simple house in the suburbs and I was directed to one of the bathrooms and told to put on my suit. They really didn't say much more and when I was ready, took me out the back door of the house to another building. When I entered the door I was shocked! There, in the middle of the building, was a wrestling ring! They directed me to get in and wait in a corner for my opponent.
Opponent? I couldn't believe it! I was supposed to fight someone? I suddenly felt very vulnerable in my swimsuit and had visions of some beefy pro wrestler coming out and doing all kinds of things to me!
Suddenly a little blond girl came into the room and climbed into the ring. I felt a little relieved, but still nervous because she looked like she knew what she was doing! She had on a tight fitting leotard, kneepads, and wrestling boots and stood in her corner ready for action.
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A bell rang and she started circling, so I went the opposite way, unsure of what was going to happen.
I quickly found out as she grabbed my hair and yanked me down and locked her arm around my neck! I tried to push away but she held me tight. It was strange how helpless I felt. I wasn't in extreme pain from the hold until she walked me over to the corner, yanked my head back, and slammed my forehead into the padding! A second head smash had me weak-kneed and trying to get my senses back!
I didn't get much time to recover though, because the girl latched onto my hair again and yanked me to my feet. The worst thing was her constant cooing and giggling, like she was REALLY enjoying herself! The next thing I knew, I was hanging over the ropes being choked.
I look back on this part and wonder why I didn't DO something! But if you've ever been involved in something that you're not prepared for, you would understand. Plus, the little blond girl moved fast and I never had a chance to defend myself ... even if I knew how to do that!
I could barely breath when she finally pulled me off those ropes. I was yanked by the hair into the center of the ring where she worked me over some more. Since the beginning of this weird experience, the blond girl seemed to be focusing on certain parts of my body. First, she worked on my head, then my neck, and now my arms.
I was slowly getting more and more tired and sore, an easy target when she smacked me in the back. I couldn't help but fall to the mat where she got me in holds that made me feel like my back was gonna break!
And then it was my legs! I don't even know what she did, but before I knew it my ankles were twisted up like a pretzel and hurt like hell!! And to make it worse, she grabbed my hair and bent me back to continue the pain on my lower back!
She finally released me and said, "C'mon, cutie, get up so I can have more fun!" My hair was yanked again and I found myself hanging in one of the corners.
She giggled, "Now, let's work on that tummy of yours!" I didn't know what she meant until one of her boots SMASHED into my belly! She was fast and kicked me several times so I could barely breath. Then her fist sunk deep into me, forcing the last of my breath from my lungs!
She stepped back and smiled as I collapsed to my butt ... winded, aching all over, and helpless!
To Be Continued ...