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Larz vs Peyton: KO Match

As usual, Peyton sits on the couch bragging about how she’s the toughest girl at FWR and that she challenges any girl to take her on. Larz sneaks in behind her and knocks her out with a sleeper, saying “I accept your challenge.” Cut to the ring where the girls face off in an amazing match filled with knockout moves. Over eight rounds you’ll enjoy a standing arm stretch, pedigree, trophy poses, a pallo special, body scissors, head scissors, a bearhug, a torture rack, a DDT, a corner boot choke, a pedigree, and many more wrestling holds. While they appear to be equally matched, Larz manages to flip several holds into painful positions for Peyton. There’s plenty of crossed eyes and creative pins. This one goes to Larz as she’s clearly too much for Peyton to handle. Enjoy!

Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 01Click here for our video teaser!Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 01Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 02Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 03Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 04Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 05Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 06Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 07Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 08Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 09Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 10Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 11Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 12Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 13Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 14Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 15Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 16Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 17Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 18Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 19Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 20Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 21Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 22Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 23Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 24Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 25Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 26Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 27Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 28Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 29Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 30Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 31Larz vs Peyton: KO Match - 32

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