Kaitlynn Fights Stevie
Kaitlynn confronts Stevie in the dressing room, “I hear you’ve been wanting to fight me.” Stevie confirms this and the challenge is made. The girls strip down to their bikinis and head to the ring. After the initial lock-up Stevie pulls Kaitlynn into a headlock then takes her to the mat. This is the ONLY offense that Stevie uses because Kaitlyn escapes the headlock and begins to wear Stevie down with a side head scissor, body scissor, lotus lock, abdominal stretch, over the knee back breaker, bow and arrow, figure four leglock, Indian deathlock, lyra lock, single leg head scissor, reverse head scissor, and a figure four reverse head scissor. Kaitlynn grabs the exhausted Stevie by the hiar and leans in close, “You wanted this fight, girl. Now I’ll make you beg for it to end.” A tight straight head scissor turns into an intensely tight figure four head scissor that causes poor Stevie to scream out her submission. Kaitlynn gains her victory and leaves Stevie sobbing on the mat. Don’t miss this video!
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