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Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed

We fade in Lo and Nikki crossing paths in front of the ring. Neither of them know each other and go about their business. But Lo wonders who she was, which spurs a boxing match dream sequence. The introductions are made and the gloves go up. Lo dominates and jabs Nikki into a corner, but the crafty beauty dances and weaves herself out to begin her onslaught of punches to the shocked Lo! As the match progresses, we find that Nikki enjoys her domination over Lo, dropping the tough woman several times. Lo tries her best to fight back, working over Nikki with hard jabs and hooks but the girl takes the punches and actually seems to enjoy it. In four rounds of hard-hitting action, Lo is slowly brought to exhaustion and finally knocked out from a powerful uppercut! The video ends with Lo waking up from her dream, shocked and demanding a real match against Nikki. We hope that happens soon!

Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 01Click here for our video teaser!Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 01Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 02Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 03Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 04Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 05Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 06Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 07Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 08Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 09Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 10Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 11Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 12Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 13Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 14Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 15Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 16Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 17Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 18Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 19Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 20Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 21Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 22Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 23Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 24Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 25Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 26Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 27Jab Fest: Lo Gets Nikk'ed - 28

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