Once I got Layla to her feet I quickly hauled her up onto my shoulders. She gave out a little squeal and begged me to let her down ... so I did!
I dumped her to the mat in a very UN-lady like fashion and enjoyed hearing her grunt from the impact.
I was having fun so I thought I'd torture the little blondie some more. I yanked Layla to her feet again and placed her against the ropes. I tossed her to the opposite ropes for a sweet clothesline that would REALLY knock the wind out of her!
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But when she flew back at me, she ducked under my arm! I didn't expect that! When I turned around to try to hit her again she was on me. Her arm smashed into my chest and down I went!
I managed to roll over quickly and start getting to my feet and realized that her momentum and sent her to her knees and she was slow to rise. I fought off the shock and grabbed her by the hair, hoisting her to the feet.
And damn it! She caught me off guard again with an elbow strike to my forehead! I was dazed and rolled over to the ropes, hoping to clear my head quickly.
This little chick was fast and I knew that if I didn't get back into the game quickly I would be in BIG trouble!
And I was right! Before I could get off the ropes I felt her hand grasp the back of my neck!
She pushed down, choking me on the ropes!
I gagged, trying to figure out what to do. But like before, I didn't have time to think because she grabbed the ropes next to me and used them to sling shot me off them! I fell to the mat HARD!
As I lay there stunned (and REALLY pissed off at myself for letting this rookie get the better of me) I felt her fingers dig into my long hair. I was yanked painfully to my knees and SMASHED in the forehead by her boney knee!
Wow! You can't imagine the pain from a move like that! I was seeing stars and could do nothing more than hold my head, waiting for the pain to stop. I knew that more was coming but I was powerless to stop it. All I could do was hope that she would slow down and give me a second to recover.
Well, I knew better. I was yanked onto my back and quickly found her thighs wrapped around my head! There's not much you can do in this hold. She was laying on me preventing me from pushing out, while her upper thighs squeezed the sides of my neck.
I thought it was uncomfortable and humiliating but didn't think it would make me submit ... until she crossed one leg under my head and pulled back on the other one! The constriction of her legs REALLY hurt! I was on the verge of passing out when she suddenly released me.
It suddenly occurred to me that this "rookie" was toying with me! She had this entire ending planned out. She didn't want to finish me off with the figure four scissors. She wanted to REALLY humiliate me!
I don't even know what the hell she put me in but it hurt like crazy! She jumped to my side, grabbed me in a headlock, and hooked my arm with her two hands. At first, I thought "what is she doing?" This didn't seem to be so bad ... but then she twisted her body back and an intense pain shot through me!
The back of my neck seemed like it was being pulled from my shoulders and I began to tap out. Then, as she continued pulling, my nose and mouth got buried in her armpit and I couldn't breath! That's when my tapping became FRANTIC!!!
She held me long enough for me to panic and begin to black out. It was like she knew exactly what she was doing! This ROOKIE!!!
When she released me all I could do was lay there, thankfully filling my lungs with air. I honestly didn't even care when she hooked me leg and pinned me!
After she took her victory pose and left the ring was when I realized what had happened. She beat me up! The rookie beat me up!! She obviously knew more than I thought she did ... and she beat me up!!!
I want a rematch ... I think.