I Hate Rookies Part One
Hi, I'm Sasha. Whenever I hear there's a new girl at FWR I jump at the chance to wrestle them. You might think it's because they're easy to beat ... and they are ... but personally, I just hate rookies!
I figure that if they haven't paid their dues and simply think they can jump into the ring for some easy cash, they deserve to be taught a quick and painful lesson!
Well, this chick named Layla came to wrestle so I requested to be her opponent. By the way she was dressed I could tell she was a rookie. Cut-off jeans shorts and a rather revealing t-shirt showed that she had no right to be in this ring. I put on my pro gear and entered the ring, making a point to climb through the ropes slowly so that she could get a lingering look at the body that was about to destroy her!
I'll give Layla credit though ... she didn't seem scared.
But that made me look forward to this wrestling match even more! No words were spoken as we slowly circled then locked up.
Suddenly, the girl surprised me by quickly yanking my arm into a high wrist lock! I'll admit that I was a bit shocked, but it would take more than that to hurt this brunette!

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Just when I thought she was releasing me, my arm was pulled back into a high hammerlock! I think I underestimated this chick!
I suddenly felt like a fool as she yanked up on my arm, letting this rookie get the best of me. And as quickly as she put me in the wrist lock and hammerlock I found myself in a neck stretching full nelson!
Who was this chick? Was she a plant? Did the boss set me up? I had to think of something quickly or I would be laying on the mat defeated before I knew it!
But she was too fast for me! Whenever I started to figure out an escape she moved to another hold. A headlock followed, which didn't do much for my self esteem as she had my head trapped right up against her breast!
And when I started pushing out she simply spun around and trapped me in a reverse headlock!
I honestly didn't know what to do! She was calm and collected while I was a panting fool, trying to escape these holds. And then, with incredible speed, the blond spun around, grabbed my head, and flipped me to the mat!!
That was it for me! I needed to get away from this chick and gather myself. I quickly rolled out of the ring to catch my breath. She calmly walked over to the ropes with a little smirk on her face.
I knew that it was now or never so I pretended to be afraid of her (although a little part of me was!) I suddenly found my opening when she leaned over the ropes to mock me. I grabbed her by the back of the head and pulled down HARD! The ropes acted like a sling shot when I let go and Layla flew back into the ring.
She was stunned but I knew I had to hurt her quickly so I got back in the ring and hauled her by the hair to her knees.
I held her there for a second then SLAMMED my knee into her forehead sending her to the mat again.
I finally felt better, knowing that I had her in the defensive position. But I also knew that she was smarter than a normal rookie and I'd have to make sure that she stayed down.
I dropped my knee over her throat and choked her for a bit. Watching her struggle and stomp her feet on the mat gave me a little thrill!
Maybe I wasn't wrestling fair but this girl needed to be taught a lesson.
She embarrassed me in the beginning of this match and now it was MY turn. A quick stomp to her belly kept her on her back while I made my way to her head where I stood on her hair and yanked her arms up.
Her squeals of pain made me feel better, like the tough pro wrestler that I am. But I was still upset about the earlier moves she did on me so I dropped to my knees and choked her!
I didn't bother trash talking or playing any games with the blond ... I just wanted to hurt her! I yanked her to a sitting position and SLAMMED my elbow into her head!
The little grunt that came out of her was exactly what I wanted to hear.
Now that I was sure that she wasn't going to fight back, it was time for some wrestling holds. I sat her back up again and put my thighs to work, squeezing her little head!
This is why I love wearing my pro wrestling leotard! It keeps my legs bare so that a good squeeze to an opponent's head adds to the humiliation. Yes, it's painful for them but it's also not too cool to have another woman's leg muscles dominating you in such a position!
I really worked Layla over good and could feel that she was getting weaker and weaker. I finally released her and grabbed her by the hair to stand her up. It was time to show her who's the better wrestler!