Fighting Heather
You enter the ring as Heather watches you from her corner. She knows she’s a hot blond and looks forward to humiliating you. After revealing her tiny gold bikini and showing off her body, the bell rings. You get into a shoving match until the blond kicks you between the legs, taking most of the fight out of you. What follows is a one-sided beating as Heather slaps and kicks your face until you drop in a corner. Stomps to your face quickly knock you out and Heather puts her foot on your face to count you out. But the fun is only beginning as she drags you to the center of the ring, poses sexily over you then knocks you out again with a lengthy reverse head scissor! She continues to enjoy her dominance and crawls on top of you, gives you a kiss, then slaps you to wake up for the final humiliation … a lengthy session of her bare feet in your face. Enjoy!
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