Becca's Knockout Secret V
Becca is back with another episode of her Knockout Secret series! As the video opens, Becca is in the ring hanging on the ropes. She’s grinning goofily, her eyes are crossed, and her tongue dangles out. She collapses to the mat and happily informs you that she’ll be knocking herself out again for you to enjoy! This is, without a doubt, Becca’s finest OTT (over-the-top) performance as she spends nearly the entire time with a silly grin, extreme eye-crossing, tongue protrusion as she falls to the floor and into la-la land. Becca demonstrates the following knockouts: self-flips to the mat, self-uppercuts to ko, turnbuckle head smashes, a double arm choke, boxing glove ko, chop sticks temple drill ko, black jack ko, a surprise ko that we don’t want to tell you about, ball bonk ko, frying pan hit ko, syringe of “sleepy fluid” to her butt cheek ko, wok bong ko, tazer ko, magic laser ball ko, another surprise ko that was don’t want to tell you about, an impressive self-inflicted head scissor ko, and a final self-inflicted sleeper hold ko. DON’T MISS THIS SPECTACULAR VIDEO!!!
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